Abstract Submission
The Scientific Program Committee welcomes the submission of your abstract. Abstracts will be presented in one of the following formats:
(a) Oral
(b) Poster
You are to select either an oral presentation or a poster presentation, however, the final selection of the presentation style is to be determined by the organizer. By submitting your abstract, you are obliged to be available to present it depending on the outcome of the peer review.
Abstract Submission Term: June 12 (Wed), 2019
Registration Fee
Category | On-site registration |
overseas participants | JPY 6,000 |
The on-site registration is in cash only.
Type of Abstracts
- International Session(Oral Presentation Only)
- Requested Papers(Oral Presentation Only)
- Free Papers(Oral Presentation)
- Free Papers(Poster Presentation)
Detailed information of each type of sessions and papers is available from the following page:
URL http://www.congre.co.jp/jastro2019/en/contents/_presentation_.html
Guidelines for submission of abstracts
Title of Abstract
Title should be less than 100 characters in English.
Abstracts should not exceed 1250 characters including space in length, in English.
* You are not allowed to attach any charts or graphs to your abstract.
Announcement of Peer-Review Result
The result of peer-review for your abstract is going to be announced by email (this schedule should be flexibly changed by the status of peer-reviewing). The final selection will be the responsibility of the Scientific Program Committee, and scheduling details and guidelines for the final preparation of accepted presentations will be announced on the conference website. The primary author is obliged to be available to present the submitted abstract depending on the outcome of the peer review.
The result of peer-review for your abstract will be announced by the end of August.
We are sorry for incovenience but it is much appreciated if you could keep waiting for a moment.
Abstract Format
Your abstract is expected to be submitted with WORD format available from below. Please kindly note that this format should not be converted into PDF when being submitted.
Please send your abstract to : jastro2019@congre.co.jp
Conflict of interest
In the Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology (JASTRO) all presenters are required to disclose “conflicts of interest” (COI) when presenting results of clinical research at the annual meetings.
Please disclose information for potential COI within three years related to the industry, company and profit-making organization in your presentations.