

Articles of Association

Chapter 1 General Rules

Article 1. The name of this Public Interest Incorporated Association shall be the "Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology" (a.k.a. "JASTRO") (hereinafter the "Association").
Article 2. The Association shall locate its headquarters in the 5th floor of TOKI building at 4 – 14, Kyobashi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo.
2 This Association can put a second office at the necessary place by a resolution of a board meeting.
(The purpose)
Article 3. The aim of this Association is to contact, cooperate and promote the activity of Radiation Oncology and the related areas of research and to contribute to the promotion and the development of academic science and technology.

Article 4 This Association conforms to the idea and a model of the independent behavior standard (regulation of ethics) decided separately, and manages it's business equitably and properly, and makes efforts toward the achievement of the purpose of public interests listed in Article 3 and the maintenance and improvement of social trust.

Article 5 To achieve the goal of the 3rd article, this corporation does the next business.
(1) holding of the academic meeting by which it's for an academic meeting and support of a study of art and science
(2) the publication by which it's for an academic journal
(3) the spread and enlightenment activity about the radiation treatment by which it's for cancer
(4) the business which contributes to standardization of the radiation treatment by which it's for cancer
(5) additionally business necessary to the purpose which achieves the goal of our corporation

(Fiscal year)
Article 6. The Association fiscal year of starts on September 1st each year and ends on August 31st in the following year.

Chapter 2 Member and staff.

Article 7. A member of the Association is set to the following 4 kinds.
(1) Regular member
The medical doctor, a dental doctor, graduate of master’s course or higher in science, engineering and medical school, medical physicist who possesses scholarship and experience in radiation oncology or related science, who approves the purpose of The Association and who puts annual membership fee.
(2) Associate member
The medical physicists, radiographers and nurses etc. who approve the purpose of this Association and the person who puts the annual membership due set by regulation (a medical doctor and a dental doctor will be a regular member and not an Associate member. When satisfying an important matter of the preceding number, an Associate member isn't disturbed to become a regular member.)
(3) A supporting member
Individuals or organizations that become members to support the activities of the Association.

(4) Honorary Member
The person who had distinguished services to the Association or experienced person from academic circles approved in a general meeting.

2 The staff of this corporation (Article 11. (1)-5 of Act on Authorization of Public Interest Incorporated Associations and Public Interest Incorporated Foundation It's same in the following. Further or below "general corporation and modal foundation" just calls the above act "Act".) is made with the Delegates elected with a regulation below the Article. 14.

3 A regular member can receive an academic journal and a JASTRO newsletter and do a scientific presentation in academic meeting. But, a practical member can't receive an academic journal above-mentioned.

4 A member can exercise the following rights prescribed by Act on General Incorporated Associations and General Incorporated Foundations to the Association.
(1) Right of the Act 14, Paragraph 2 (reading of a memorandum)
(2) Right of the Act 32, Paragraph 2 (reading of a staff register)
(3) Right of Act 57, Paragraph 4(reading on minutes of the general meeting of members)
(4) Right of the Act 50, Paragraph 6 (the reading of Agency certification in writing)
(5) Right of the Act 51 Paragraph 4 and the Act 52 Paragraph 5 (reading of a right to vote use document)
(6) Right of the Act 129, Paragraph 3 (the reading of accounting documents)
(7) Right of the Act 229, Paragraph 2 (the reading of settlement corporation’s balance sheets)
(8) Right of the Act 246, Paragraph 3, Act 250, Paragraph 3、and Act 256, Paragraph 3 (the reading of merger contract)

Article 8. A person who desires to become a regular member needs the recommendation of 1 Delegate, or 1 radiation therapy specialist who is a regular member, or 2 regular members.
2 The person who desires to be an Associate member needs the recommendation of 1 regular member.
3 The person who desires to be a supporting member needs the recommendation of 1 Director.
4 Honorary member needs to have recommendation of the Board of Director Meeting and the approval of General Meeting
5 The person who desires to be admitted as a regular member, an Associate member or a supporting member has to submit admission application form which Board of Directors sets separately, filling out the necessary thing, such as belonging facilities, the specialty field, etc. to the secretariat.
6 Admission of a regular member, an Associate member and a supporting member is decided in the Board of Directors Meeting and notifies the person him- or herself.

(The enrollment fee and membership fee)
Article 9. Regular member and Associate member have to pay the enrollment fee and the membership fee separately determined in General Meeting.
2 Supporting member has to pay the support membership fee separately determined in General Meeting.
3 Honorary members are not required to pay fees.

(Disqualification of Membership)
Article 10. Any member to whom any of the following clauses applies shall be disqualified:
(1) resignation of membership;
(2) declaration of adult ward or person under curatorship;
(3) declaration of death or disappearance, or, in the case of an association, dissolution of the association;
(4) a failure to pay membership fees for two (2) years or more;
(5) expulsion

(6) agreement of all Delegates.

Article 11. Regular member, Associate member and Supporting member can resign from the Association voluntarily by submitting the notice of withdrawal separately determined by the Board of Directors.

When a member comes under one in each next number, the member can be expelled based on a resolution of more than 2/3 of a right to vote of Delegates in a General Meeting when more than half of Delegates attend. The member must be notified the expulsion with the reason by 1 week before of the General Meeting and must be given a chance of justification before a resolution in the General Meeting.

(1) violation of this regulation or rule of the Association.
(2) dishonoring the Association or acted contrary to a purpose.
(3) when there are other proper reasons.
2 When expulsion was resolved by the preceding clause, the member is notified.

(Right and obligation with member disqualification)
Article 13. When a member lost the qualification by a regulation of the Article 10., the right which (is as a member) to the Association is lost and obligation is avoided. But, obligation of nonfulfillment can't be avoided.
2 Even if a member loses the qualification, the Association doesn't return the enrollment fee, a membership fee and other donation items already paid.

Chapter 3 Delegates and officials, etc.

Article 14. The Association shall have Delegates elected from among the regular members by the percentage of 1 person for 12 people. (Board meeting shall decide the handling of a fractions.)

(Delegates 's election)
Article 15. To elect Delegates, Delegate election by a regular member is carried out. To carry out Delegate election, a necessary byelaw is set separately by the Board of Directors Meeting.
2 A Delegate needs to be chosen from the regular member.
3 The regular member as of March 31 of an election year equally possesses a suffrage and eligibility for election in Delegate election of initial paragraph. A Director or a Board of Directors can't elect a Delegate.
4 In the event of a vacancy among Delegates, replacement procedures shall be followed as separately stipulated. The term of office for a Delegate who has been elected to fill a vacancy shall be the remaining term of the predecessor.
5 When electing alternate's Delegate, the following matters have to be decided.
(1) the effect by which a candidate concerned is alternate's representative
(2) When a candidate concerned is elected as alternate's Delegates of 1 or more than 2 specific Delegates, the specification concerned and the name of the specific Delegates.
(3) When more than 2 alternate Delegates are elected about an identical Delegate (in the case elected as 2 or more alternate Delegates, concerned, 2 or more Delegates), the order of priority between the alternate Delegates.
6 The term in which the resolution of alternate Delegate election of the 4th Clause is effective is until the end of the next Delegate election of Article 17. initial Clause.

(Delegate 's mandates)
Article 16. Delegate represents a regular member, and attends a general meeting, deliberates an agenda and resolves it.

(Delegate 's tenure)
Article 17. Delegate 's election of the Article 15 shall be carried out once per 2 years, and Delegate 's tenure ends in the end of the next Delegate 's election carried out two years later.
But, when a Delegate raises an appeal of cancellation of resolution of the General Meeting, Association’s dismissal, a responsibility search and the official's dismissal (the Article 266 initial term, the Article 268, Article 278 and Article 284 in the ACT) (The case when raising of a prescribed appeal is charged is included in Article 278 initial term in the ACT.),the Delegate concerned doesn't lose the Delegate status (A Delegate concerned won't possess official's election and a right to vote about dismissal (the Article 63 and the Article 70 in the ACT) and amendment of the articles (the Article 146 in the ACT).) until a suit concerned is terminated.
2 Delegates 's reelection shall not be prevented.
3 The Delegates 's tenure elected by a vacancy or an increase in personnel is the remaining period of the predecessor’s or a present holder’s.

(Delegates 's reward)
Article 18. Delegates shall serve without compensation

(Type of Officers)
Article 19. The Association shall appoint Officers as follows:
Directors: no fewer than fifteen (14) and no more than twenty (20)
Auditors: within 2
2 Among the directors and 1 person is elected as the Chairman and 1 person is elected as the executive director.
3 The Chairman is a representative director by Act on General Incorporated Associations and General Incorporated Foundations and the executive director as the executive director by Article 91. (1)-2 of the same ACT.

Article 20. Directors and Auditors shall be elected among the Delegates in the general meeting. Directors and Auditors shall be less than 64-year-old person on March 31 of the next year.
2 The Chairman and the executive director shall be selected in a board of Directors Meeting.
3 Auditor shall not serve concurrently as Director or employee.
4 Among Board of Directors, the number of one director and his (or her) spouse and relatives of within 3 degrees of relationship must not exceed 1/3 of the total Director number. The same is applied to Auditors.
5 Among the Board of Directors, total number of Director or employee of other identical organization (except for those decided by a government ordinance as a public service corporation or something equivalent to this) or those pursuant to this in mutually close relationship by law must not exceed 1/3 of the total Director number. The same is applied to Auditors.
6 When a change fitted a director or an Auditor, registration shall be done within 2 weeks.

(Director's work and authority)
Article 21. Directors compose of the Board of Director Meeting and decides about execution of work of the Association as provided by the provision of law and this Articles of Association.
2 The Chairman represents this corporation and executes the business.
3 The Executive Director assists the Chairman and executes the business of the Association.
4 The Director's authority to execute business is by the administrative authority regulations The Board of Directors establishes separately.
5 The Chairman and the Executive Director have to report the situation of the execution of their own work to the Board of Director Meeting more than once for 3 months every fiscal year.

(Auditor's work and authority)
Article 22. Auditor shall carry out the following duties.
(1) audit director's execution of duties and prepare audit reports as stipulated in laws and regulations;
(2) audit the situation of these business assets and bill of the Association.
(3) attend the meetings of the Board of Directors and express opinions.
(4) report to the Board of Directors and the General Meeting when the Auditors deem that a Director has performed or is likely to be performing improprieties, or when the Auditors discover significant improprieties or facts contrary to laws and regulations or these Articles of Association;
(5) request the Chairman for the convocation of a meeting of the Board of Directors, when the Auditors deem it necessary to report as provided in the preceding clause; provided, however, that the Auditors can convene a meeting of the Board of Directors directly if the notice of convocation of a Board of Directors meeting to be held within two (2) weeks of the date a request is made is not issued within five (5) days of the date the request is made;
(6) investigate the items on the agenda to be submitted by the Directors to the General Meeting, or documents or other items set forth in laws and regulations, and report the results of such investigations to the General Meeting if they discover significant improprieties or violations of laws, regulations, or these Articles of Association;
(7) request a Director to cease impropriety, if such Director has performed or is likely to perform an act out of the scope of the objectives of the Association or any other acts contrary to laws, regulations, or these Articles of Association, and such act is likely to significantly damage the Association;
(8) otherwise exercise their authorization under laws and regulations.

(Tenure of officers) Article 23. Directors’ tenure shall be until the end of Regular General Meeting in the second fiscal year. It is not interfered with the re-election, but not more than 5 periods in total. The director's number beyond 3 periods in total must not exceed 2/5 of the total number of Directors.
2 Auditors’ tenure shall be until the end of Regular General Meeting in the second fiscal year. It is not interfered with the re-election, but not more than 3 periods in total.
3 The official's tenure elected as an alternate or by an increase in personnel is during the remaining tenure of predecessor’s or present holder’s. But, it does not apply to Auditor when it was increased.
4 An official has to do the work until a newly elected person accedes when the number of the officials decided by the Article of Association is lacking after resignation or expiration of term.

Article 24. An official can be dismissed in the General Meeting. But, when dismissing an Auditor, it has to be based on a resolution of more than 2/3 of a right to vote of Delegates under the condition in which more than half of Delegates are attending.
2 When Directors and Auditors neglected the duty, they have the responsibility to compensate for the damage which has formed by this to the Association, and this responsibility cannot be exempted without the agreement of general regular members in spite of a regulation of a modal article 112th of the ACT.

Article 25. Officers shall serve without compensation.
2 Officers shall be paid needed cost to do the duties.
3 A necessary matter is set separately by a resolution of the General Meeting about the preceding paragraph.

(Restriction of dealings)
Article 26.
When a Director tries to do the following dealings, he (or she) has to disclose
important fact about the dealings and get agreement of the Board of Directors.
(1) dealings which belong to the class of the business of the Association I done for oneself or a third party
(2) the dealings with this corporation done for oneself or a third party
(3) dealings with which the Association guarantees the Director's debt or dealings with other parties than the Directors which conflict the interest between the Association and the Director
2 The Director who dealt in the preceding paragraph has to report the important facts of the dealings to a board meeting, promptly.
3 Concerning the handling of 2 paragraphs, it is up to the Board of Directors Meeting Regulation set in the Article 49.

Chapter 4 General Meeting of Delegates.

Article 27. The General Meeting of Delegates of the Association shall be composed of two (2) types, namely, an ordinary general meeting of Delegates and an extraordinary general meeting of Delegates.

Article 28. The General Meeting shall be composed of Delegates.
2 Each Delegate shall have one (1) voting right in the General Meeting.
3 Each Delegate can attend and state their opinions at the General Meeting.

Article 29. The General Meeting shall resolve the following items on the agenda;
(1) election and dismissal of Officers and Congress Presidents;
(2) amendment of these Articles of Association;
(3) business report and settlement of accounts for each fiscal year;
(4) the price of the membership fee and the enrollment fee
(5) expulsion of members
(6) disposition and assignment of long-term borrowings and material assets;
(7) dissolution and disposition of residual assets;
(8) merger and full or partial assignment of business and full abolition of Business for public interest purposes
(9) items on the agenda of the General Meeting by the Board of Directors;
(10) in addition to the items stated in the preceding items, the items set forth in the Act on General Incorporated Associations and Foundations, these Articles of Association
2 In each General Meeting in spite of the preceding paragraph, it isn't possible to resolve any matters except for the matter which is indicated on a document of the Article 31-3.

Article 30. The Ordinary General Meeting shall be held within three (3) months after the conclusion of each fiscal year.
2 Special General Meeting shall be held when relevant to each one of the following numbers.
(1) when a Director regards the necessity and claims the convocation to the Board of Directors Meeting.
(2) when there is a claim for convocation to the Board of Directors Meeting by the document on which a matter of the purpose for the meeting and the reason of convocation is indicated from more than 1/5 Delegates who have the right to vote.
(3) the Delegates who claimed the preceding paragraph can convene the General Meeting with the permission of the court in the following occasion.
i) When the convocation isn't gone through the procedure for promptly after the claim.
ii) When notice of the convocation which makes the day of General Meeting within 6 weeks when the claim is not issued.

Article 31. The Chairman shall convene the General Meeting based on a resolution of the Board of Directors. But agreement of Delegates can omit the procedure of convocation.
2 When there is a claim by the Article 30-2(2), the Chairman has to convene a Special General Meeting within 30 days from the day.
3 When convening a General Meeting, Delegates should be notified by the document on which the date and time, the place, the purpose of the meeting and others specified in the law are indicated by 2 weeks before the Meeting.

Article 32. The Chairman shall serve as the chairperson at the Ordinary General Meeting; provided. When there is a trouble or accident for the Chairman, the chairperson shall be elected among the attending Delegates in the General Meeting.

(The quorum)
Article 33. The General Meeting may not convene proceedings or resolve matters unless a majority of the total number of Delegates is in attendance.

Article 34. Items on the agenda of the General Meeting shall be resolved by a majority vote of Delegates in attendance who make up a majority of the total number of Delegates. The chairperson shall cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie vote.
Except as otherwise stipulated in the following paragraph, items on the agenda of the General Meeting shall be resolved by a majority vote of Delegates in attendance who make up a majority of the total number of Delegates. The chairperson shall cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie vote. In this case, the chairperson cannot vote.
2 The chairperson can't join in decision as a Delegates in the case of the preceding paragraph.
3 When a Director or an Auditor is elected, resolution on paragraph 1should be carried out for each candidate.
When the number of candidates for Director or Auditor exceeded the number of members in Article 19., Director or Auditor will be elected inside of the candidate who got agreement of the majority in descending order of the number of votes until it reaches the limit of the number.

(Written votes)
Article 35. A Delegate who is prevented from attending the General Meetings can vote in writing means on the items on the agenda announced in advance, or exercise his voting rights by authorizing another Delegate to act as his proxy.
2 In the application of the provisions of the preceding two articles, such Delegate in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to be in attendance.
3 When a Director or a Delegate proposed the matter which is the purpose of a resolution of the General Meeting and all Delegates approved the proposal in writing or by electromagnetic means, it is regarded that there was a resolution of the General Meeting approving the proposal.

(Omission of a report)
Article 36. When a Director notified all Delegates about the items necessary to report to the General Meeting and all Delegates approve the items not necessary to be reported to the General Meeting in writing or by electromagnetic means, the items shall be deemed to be reported at the General Meeting.

(Official announcement to members)
Article 37. The proceedings of the General Meeting and resolved matters are made public for the whole members.

Article 38. With respect to the items on the agenda of the General Meeting, minutes shall be prepared set by decree.
2 The chairperson and two (2) or more Delegates in attendance chosen in the General Meeting sign and affix their personal seals on the minutes.

(Rules of the General Meeting)
Article 39. items with respect to the General Meeting shall be governed by the Rules of the General Meeting of Delegates stipulated by the General Meeting, in addition to the items set forth in laws and regulations and these Articles of Association.

Chapter 5 Board of Directors

Article 40. This Association puts a board meeting.
2 The Board of Directors shall be composed of all Directors.

Article 41. The Board of Directors shall perform their duties prescribed in the following clauses, in addition to the duties separately stipulated in these Articles of Association:
(1) determination of the date, place, and items on the agenda of the General Meeting;
(2) establishment, amendment, and abolishment of various rules;
(3) determination of the execution of the business operations of the Association, in addition to the items stipulated in the preceding items;
(4) supervision of the performance of the duties of Directors;
(5) election and dismissal of the Chairman.
2 The Board of Directors cannot delegate to Directors the determination of the following items or the execution of other significant business operations:
(1) disposition or assignment of significant assets;
(2) borrowings of large amounts;
(3) election and dismissal of important employee's
(4) the establishment, change and abolition of secondary office and other important organization,
(5) maintenance of the inner control system (maintenance of the system that execution of Director's work settles to fit in with a decree and a regulation and other system settled by a decree necessary to reserve appropriateness of business of the Association)

(The kind and holding)
Article 42. The Board of Director meeting is usually set to 2 kinds. The regular Board of Directors and special Boards of Directors.
2 The regular Board of Directors meeting shall be held four (4) times or more each fiscal year.
3 The special Board of Directors Meeting is held under one of next occasion.
(1) when Chairman considers necessary.
(2) when a Director besides the Chairman claims for convocation with the document on which the matter which is the purpose of a meeting was indicated.
(3) when the Director convenes if the notice of summons of the Board of Directors Meeting to be held within 2 weeks is not notified within 5 days from the day when a claim for the preceding paragraph.
(4) when an Auditor claimed for convocation to the Chairman or an Auditor convened by a regulation of the 5th number of 22nd article.

Article 43 The Chairman convenes the Board of Director Meeting. But, when there is a lack or an accident in the Chairman, the Executive Director convenes. But it is not the case of Article 42-3(3) and Article 42-3(4).
2 When the situation is relevant to the preceding Article 3(2), and former part of 3(4), the Chairman has to convene a special Board of Director Meeting within 2 weeks from the day when the claim was done.
3 When convening a Board of Director Meeting, Directors and Auditors should be notified the date and time, place and purpose of the Meeting one week in advance.
4 In spite of a regulation of the preceding paragraph, when there is agreement of all Directors and Auditors, it's possible to hold a board meeting without passing through procedure of convocation.

Article 44.
The Chairman shall serve as the chairperson of the Board of Directors meeting. But, Executive Director shall serve as the chair person in case of the Article 43. initial term proviso.

Article 45. If there is not a provision in the regulation, the resolution of the Board of Directors Meeting is decided by majority under the attendance of the director's majority except for a Director with special interest, and in case of a tie, the Chairperson judges.
2 The Chairperson cannot join in decision as a Director in a case of the preceding paragraph.

(Omission of resolutions)
Article 46. If a Director proposes items on the agenda of the Board of the Directors Meeting and all the presenting Directors approve the items in writing or by electromagnetic means, the items on the agenda shall be deemed to be approved at the Board of the Directors Meeting. But, when an Auditor tells an objection, it is not the case.

(Omission of a report)
Article 47.
When a Director or an Auditor notified the matter to be reported to the Board of Directors Meeting to all Directors and Auditors, he or she needs not report the matter to a board meeting.
2 The preceding paragraph shall not be applied to the regulation of Article 21(5).

Article 48. The minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Directors Meeting shall be made determined by law, and the Chairman and the Auditor who attended must sign or affix name and seal.

(Board meeting regulation)
Article 49. Matters about the Board of Director Meeting depends on board meeting regulation and on this Articles of the Association.

Chapter 6 Assets and Accounting

(Management and use of assets)
Article 50. The Chairman shall manage the assets of the Association set separately by property management and operation regulations based on the approval of the Board of Directors
(Business plan and budget)
Article 51. The report of a business plan note of the Association, the income and expenditure budget note and the form on which possibility of financing and investment in plant and equipment was indicated shall be prepared by the Chairman by the previous day of starting date every fiscal year and subject to resolutions of the Board of Directors and report it to the nearest General Meeting; To amending this, the Chairman shall take similar process.
2 The form of the preceding paragraph, shall be put in a main office (and if there is a secondary office based on Article 2-2, shall also be put there) and subjected to public inspection until the end of the fiscal year.

(Business report and settlement of accounts)
Article 52. The Chairman shall prepare a business report, financial statements, and supplementary schedules within three (3) months from the end of each fiscal year and take the inspection by Auditors on a following list and take the approval by the Board of Directors Meeting.
(1) business report
(2) supplementary statement of the business report
(3) balance sheet
(4) statement of profit and loss
(5) supplementary statement of the balance sheet and the statement of profit and loss
(6) inventory of property
2 Among the above approved reports, number 1, 3, 4 and 6 have to be submitted to the General Meeting and report (1) has to be reported the contents and the others have to be approved.
3 In addition to above mentioned reports, the following forms must be put in the main office for 5 years, and if there is a secondary office based on Article 2-2 put them for 3 years and subjected to public inspection. And also the regulations in both offices and register of members in main office have to be put and subjected to public inspection.
(1) auditing report
(2) register of the Directors and an Auditors
(3) the form on which the standard of the provision by which directors and inspector’s rewards were indicated
(4) the form by which the outline of the operation organization and the situation of the business activity and the important numerical values about these activities.

(Calculation of the remaining amount of Property for Business for Public Interest Purposes)
Article 53. The Chairman calculates the remaining amount of Property for Business for Public Interest Purposes on the last day of an accounting year and indicates on a form of the 4th number of the preceding clause 3rd item every accounting year based on a regulation of a law 48th article of enforcement regulations about authorization of a corporate juridical person of public interests and a foundational juridical person of public interests.

(Long-term borrowings and disposition or assignment of significant assets)
Article 54. Except for the repayment of short-term borrowings with income from the current fiscal year, borrowings of the Association shall be subject to resolutions of the General Meeting with more than 2/3 of a right to vote of Delegates in more than half of Delegates presents.
2 The procedure stated in the preceding paragraph shall also apply to the disposal or assignment of significant assets of the Association.

(Accounting principles)
Article 55. An accounting principles of the Association generally follow accounting principles 's custom of the public service corporation who can allow justice to be proper.
2 The surplus of the Association must not be distributed at all.

Chapter 7 Change in the regulation, merger and dismissal, etc.

(Change in the regulation)
Article 56. The regulation can be changed in case in which more than half of Delegates attend in the General Meeting, and by a resolution of more than 2/3 of a right to vote of Delegates.


Article 57. The Association can merger with other associations by the Act, transfer all or certain part of businesses, and abolish all businesses for public interest purposes when more than half of Delegates attend in the General Meeting and by a resolution of more than 2/3 of a right to vote of Delegates.

Article 58. The Association may be dissolved by a resolution adopted at the General Meeting by no less than three-fourths (3/4) of the total number of Delegates, or by the reasons prescribed in Article148 (1) (2), (4), (7) of Act on General Incorporated Associations and General Incorporated Foundations

(Donation with cancellation of Public Interest Corporation Authorization)
Article 59. When the Association is extinct by the cancellation of the Public Interest Corporation Authorization or by merger (except for the case in which the corporation which succeeds to the rights and obligations is a public Interest Incorporated Associations), the Association donates assets equivalent to the remaining amount of Property for Business for Public Interest Purposes, to a Public Interest Corporation Authorization in an Article 17 (5) Act on Authorization of Public Interest Incorporated Associations and Public Interest Incorporated Foundation, country, or local public organization, through a resolution of general meeting within 1 month from a day of cancellation or a day of a merger.

(Belonging of a residual assets)
Article 60. On the liquidation of the Association, residual assets the Association is possessing shall be donated to Public Interest Corporation Authorization ,country, local public organization In Article 5 (17) of Act on Authorization of Public Interest Incorporated Associations and Public Interest Incorporated Foundation via a resolution of general meeting

Chapter 8 Committee.

Article 61. The Association can establish a committee based on a resolution of the Board of Directors, in order to smoothly perform its business operations. 2 A Board of Directors elects a member of a committee from a Delegates and people of experience.
3 The Chairman shall separately determine items necessary for the duty, composition and management of the committee based on a resolution of the Board of Directors.

Chapter 9. Secretariat

Article 62. The Association shall have a secretariat process its clerical work. 2 A required staff is allocated in the secretariat.  
3 The Chairman appoints and dismisses important staff based on an approval of the Board of Directors.
4 Items necessary for the organization and management of the secretariat shall be separately determined based on a resolution of the Board of Directors.

(Provided ledger and form)
Article 63. In the Main Office, aside from those set as the Article 51-3 Article 52-2, the following form shall be provided. (and if there is a secondary office based on Article 2-2, shall also be provided there)
(1) documents on member list and member's change
(2) documents on authorization, permission, approval and registration
(3) documents on proceedings stipulated in the Articles of this Association
(4) other documents and books prescribed in laws and regulations
2 Public inspection of ledgers and forms of each preceding paragraph numbers is dependent on decision of a decree, etc. as well as on information disclosure regulation set as the Article 64-2.

Chapter 10 Information disclosure and protection of personal information, etc.

(Information disclosure)
Article 64. The Association shall publish the activity condition, the operation contents and financial data positively to promote fair and disclosed activities.
2 A necessary matter on information disclosure is dependent on the information disclosure regulation separately determined based on a resolution of the Board of Directors.

(Protection of personal information)
Article 65. The Association takes precautionary measures in protection of the personal information which may come to knowledge in the course of business.
2 A necessary matter about protection of personal information shall be separately determined based on a resolution of the Board of Directors.

(Public Notice)
Article 66. Public Notice of the Association shall be carried out by publishing it in the official gazette.

Chapter 11 Supplementary rule.

Article 67. Aside from the regulation, matters necessary to operate the Association shall be separately determined based on a resolution of the Board of Directors.

Supplemental Provisions
1 The names of the Delegates and the address at establishment are as shown in a separate sheet of paper.
2 Officers of the establishment the Association comes from determination of Inaugural Meeting in spite of a regulation of the Article 20-1.
3 When establishing, we assume that staff everybody can give qualification as a Delegate to the regular member who was agreed by all the Delegates at establishment until there is the first Delegate election in spite of decision of the Article 7-2.

Supplemental Provisions
This Articles of Incorporation is carried out from a corporation authorization day of public interests on February 1, 2012.

Executed on February 1, 2012.
May 1, 2012 Article. 2 changed
April 12, 2013 Article. 38 2nd item changed
February 22, 2014 Article. 23 initial term changed
December 1, 2015 Article. 2 changed
